Men at Work as seen on Tuesday morning, Jan 19th, 2021. The on going work in progress situation of building new bridge connecting Kirtipur and Tinthana, Chandragiri. (Photo feature)
by Merit Maharjan.
COVID-19, a disease caused by a highly contagious novel corona virus affecting the respiratory tract, is talked about by every lips today. Globally, executives are identifying new ways to fight this invisible enemy.
कीर्तिपुर नगरपालिकाको फोहरमैला व्यवस्थापन गर्न २०७४।१२।१६ गते कीर्तिपुर नगरपालिका, स्वास्थ्य तथा फोहरमैला व्यवस्थापन समिति र कीर्तिपुर नगरपालिकामा कार्यरत चार संस्थाहरुका बीच सम्झौता भएको थियो । सम्झौता
Tens of thousands of people gather in Fibwo Khya (Maitighar Mandala) on Wednesday, 4th Asar 2076 as a protest against Guthi Bill 2075 that intends to negatively impact social and cultural values of in
“The great Indian head nod” is what westerners find perplexing and amusing at the same time. It’s a smooth movement that involves tilting the head from side to side vertically, that is neither yes nor