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Men at Work as seen on Tuesday morning, Jan 19th, 2021. The on going work in progress situation of building new bridge connecting Kirtipur and Tinthana, Chandragiri. (Photo feature) by Merit Maharjan.
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Men at Work as seen on Tuesday morning, Jan 19th, 2021. The on going work in progress situation of building new bridge connecting Kirtipur and Tinthana, Chandragiri. (Photo feature) by Merit Maharjan.
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This time I’m very excited because I have picked up the topic of my own interest. Kirtipur has its own historical background, culture and inhabitants. We talked more about these stuffs. However, this time around my effort goes to bring for other aspe
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I have heard a story of a child living with his mother in an old village. They had a beautiful garden around their small but beautiful home. There was a narrow passage by the side of the house. The garden was so ornamented with variety of flowers
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Trekking is undoubtedly the best adventure activity for long holidays. And what better a destination than Annapurna Circuit Trek? Dashain, being the biggest and longest Hindu festival, is the ideal time for long tours like trekking. And we, a group
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